2022 Halloween Parade
Cub Scout Pack 44 kicked off a Happy Halloween season by taking first place in the children’s float competition at this year’s Lititz Halloween Parade. The winning effort utilized a super hero theme, bringing together D.C. and Marvel heroes in a colorful display that drew applause all along the downtown Lititz parade route.
The float was designed by Steve White, a new pack parent, who quickly caught the spirit of volunteerism that makes the pack go, donating two by fours for the frame, buying lights and tinsel and putting in the work.
“There were no challenges for me to get it together, says White. “I volunteered because I am handy. I am very happy that we won first place in that division.”
White is already thinking about next year.
“I will be more than willing to volunteer for it, but I would like more time, and I want to get into detail more and make it bigger and better yet,” he states.
The super hero decorations adorning the float, including Superman and Spider Man images, were graciously loaned to the pack by Ben Wohlberg, the Summer Camp Director for Camp Mack, which is one of two camps owned and operated by the Pennsylvania Dutch Council. These decorations are used every 6 years or so when the summer camp theme is "Super Heroes."
“This was the theme of the 2022 Summer Camp,” says Pack 44 Committee Chair Ben Spead, “which is part of the reason Pack 44 picked it as float theme. The scouts were still in a superhero mode of thinking since summer camp.”
About 20 scouts, some outfitted in full scout uniforms and others dressed as super heroes, took part in the parade and had a blast with their parents on hand, too, making the night a success long before the judges of the Lititz Lions community organization gave the Pack their vote.
“The Lititz Lions organize a parade for Halloween and the 4th of July every year,” says Pack 44 Events Chair Mike Bowen. “I think it's a great thing that they do for the community to provide some fun for the kids and also to give exposure to the different groups that are around. For Scouting, it's a great way for the pack to be visible to the community and for prospective scouts to see what we do. For the scouts in the pack, I think it's a fun activity for them to engage in and a small way for them to give to the community—by means of candy!”